Blog Archive

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Look of the day -how to wear a scarf

Hello Friends, welcome back to my channel...I was not able to post yesterday as our INTERNET connection was this was yesterday's outfit or look of the day.
Weather is getting crazy these rains and then stops and it's scorching hot and heavy rain again...really, confuses me what to wear.
Speaking of getting confused of what to wear? Do you have those days when you just open your closet and with that sea of clothes you utterly don't know what to wear or sometime I'd say, "I have nothing to wear"..funny, right? That's the irony of having too much choices that sometimes we end up with nothing....That's why in this blog I am not flooding you with too much choices but just a few options of how to wear a stole/'s 12 ways.

But first my look of the day...

Thought of the day

simple wedges- from local Philippine Brand

Mood of the day

I am sorry but I don't have names for these knots...I just experimented as I went along with the photo session.

.....Stay in Style.....

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