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Sunday, September 9, 2012

The art of Re-purposing.

What to do with an 80's jacket? Obviously no one wants to be found dead in them...
The 80's Style was marked by padded shoulders, big and wide sleeves that tapers at the wrist.
So, what I did with this jacket was cut off the wide sleeves- simple! Problem solved, however, the true test for creativity is when almost all if not all, fabric is recycled or re-purposed.

Here's what I did with the sleeves...nothing was wasted not even the cuffs.
The sleeves were really wide that it was big enough to make into a bag. Now with the environmentalism drive, ECO friendly, recyclable bags are ubiquitous in the supermarket...I don't have to buy mine I just made one.

As for the cuffs....

These are the options for  the cuff of the sleeves...I initially made into an arm band but later used it as the handle for the bag.
The process was very fabric was cut off . I used yarn of different colors  to hand stitch the two sleeves together and for embroidery and glued design.

Just cut the sleeves open, remove the cuffs and then use outline stitch to attach the two pieces of  "arms" together

More embellishments can be added if desired...but as for me this is pretty enough for shopping bag.
I did some embroidery to add my signature design and personality to the bag...but not necessary for practical purposes.

ain't that fancy....go ahead, make your own bag that speaks of you.

 As for the Jacket...
.....Stay in Style.....

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