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Friday, September 14, 2012

Human Nature Sunflower Beauty Oil -product review

When I was a teenager I was not one of the the lucky individuals to have inherited the smooth skin genes. I had acne which resulted to scars and humongous pores. My large pores had always been the source of my insecurities and because of this I have collected tons of make up concealers, foundations, powders in the quest to find the perfect cover up, however, I have never found one that really covers without making me look like a clown. And the more I put layers upon layers of make-up, the more my skin breaks into pimples. And when I reached 40, pigmentation adds to my skin problem.
I have tried several beauty brands for pore refiner, moisturizers, and whitening creams but still nothing have given me the result that I dreamed of...until one day.

I was doing my grocery shopping and as I was browsing  the rows of toners, oils and moisturizers...I unconsciously took this bottle of sunflower oil.
I don't know what draw me to check this bottle since it didn't have those fancy packaging, nor was it placed in eye level view shelf.
As I read the backside of the label, I was intrigued by the description which says: "Do you believe miracles in a bottle? Experience miracles as our gold Elixir works its magic. Helps lighten dark under eye circles, dark spots and pimple marks, minimize stretch marks, lighten underarms, adds shine to dull hair, moisturize the face and body and more! No wonder sunflowers are known as ' Happy Flowers' for the joy they bring."
This product had me at the first line of its description...I thought only a miracle can smoothen my face. Although I took it with a grain of salt, so I bought the smallest package just to try it.
It cost around 129 pesos for 50 ml. It is Philippine made  under the brand name Human Nature, no harmful chemicals, no Parabens and other preservatives- they do not test on animals. Ain't that wonderful?...worth supporting, but does it really work?

On my very first use, I felt right away the difference when I rubbed it on my face. Because it is pure sunflower oil, it felt smoother when applied unlike a regular moisturize where you can feel the texture. The next morning I felt that my pores were not as open as before.
After a week of use, my aunt noticed something different on my skin- she said it looked supple and healthy and younger. By then I don't wear any foundation, concealer nor powder anymore.
Now after a month use, I am excited to share with you this is truly a miracle in a bottle.

I just put a small drop on my palm and rub my two palms together to generate heat before I rub on my face. I massage my face using upward motion to give it a lift.
I don't use any other moisturizer with this anymore...but when I need to go out and be under the sun, then I use one with a sunblock,

And now my next quest is for something that can naturally turn my gray hair back to black (without dyeing)...if there is anyone who have a tip for me, I'd be very glad to try.

.....Stay in Style.....

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