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Thursday, October 11, 2012

How to cover an errant arm

All of us are not perfect. Some imperfections may be obvious and some are not. Some imperfections are acquired by birth and some by accidents. 

Whatever the imperfection may be, not all are bold enough to show them, they would conceal them to a point that they limit the styles that they wear. Say for example, the flaw is in the arm, one will never dare to wear sleeveless clothes more so tube or spaghetti strapped dresses.But there is a way to be able to wear these without exposing your flaw- with the help of a scarf. Since the other arm is worthy to be displayed it is not fair to keep it hidden here's my trick to concealing the errant arm while still emboldening your looks.

with a stole type scarf, tie it to one of the dress straps like above.
toss one end of the scarf over the shoulder

perfect for formal occasion where sleeveless, tubes and spaghetti strapped dresses are  common

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